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My Life So Far (1999)

"Imagine a summer in paradise with nothing to do except everything your heart desires."

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Drama, Comedy

1h 38m

August, 1999

Language: EN

A memoir of the lives of a family growing up on a post World War I British estate headed up by a strong disciplinarian, her daughter, her inventor husband, their ten year old son and his older sister. Through the household comes a number of suitors hoping to impress the young woman, including an aviator. When the elder woman's son shows up at the estate with his French fiancé, everything gets thrown into turmoil. The young boy takes a sudden interest in her sexual allure and his father is disturbed by his own non-Victorian feelings.


Hugh Hudson


Simon Donald


Colin Firth Edward Pettigrew
Rosemary Harris Gamma MacIntosh
Irène Jacob Aunt Heloise
Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Moira 'Mumsie' Pettigrew
Malcolm McDowell Uncle Morris MacIntosh
Robert Norman Fraser Pettigrew
Tchéky Karyo Gabriel Chenoux
Kelly Macdonald Elspeth Pettigrew
Roddy McDonald Rollo
Daniel Baird Finlay
Jennifer Fergie Brenda Pettigrew
Kristin Smith Meg
Sean Scanlan Andrew Burns
John Bett Uncle Crawford
Anne Lacey Aunt Eunice
Brendan Gleeson Jim Menzies
Paul Young Doctor Gebbie

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