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My Family (1995)

"Three generations of dreams."

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Drama, Comedy

2h 08m

May, 1995

Language: EN

Traces over three generations an immigrant family's trials, tribulations, tragedies, and triumphs. Maria and Jose, the first generation, come to Los Angeles, meet, marry, face deportation all in the 1930's. They establish their family in East L.A., and their children Chucho, Paco, Memo, Irene, Toni, and Jimmy deal with youth culture and the L.A. police in the 50's. As the second generation become adults in the 60's, the focus shifts to Jimmy, his marriage to Isabel (a Salvadorian refugee), their son, and Jimmy's journey to becoming a responsible parent.


Gregory Nava


Edward James Olmos Paco
Jimmy Smits Jimmy
Esai Morales Chucho
Jennifer Lopez Young Maria
Jacob Vargas Young Jose
Constance Marie Toni
Jonathan Hernandez Young Jimmy
Jenny Gago Maria
Eduardo López Rojas Jose
Rafael Cortés Roberto
Mary Steenburgen Gloria
Scott Bakula David Ronconi

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