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Miss Potter (2006)

"The life of Beatrix Potter is the most enchanting tale of all."

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Drama, Romance, Family

1h 32m

December, 2006

Language: EN

The story of Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved and best-selling children's book, 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit', and her struggle for love, happiness and success.


Chris Noonan


Ewan McGregor Norman Warne
Renée Zellweger Beatrix Potter
Emily Watson Millie Warne
Barbara Flynn Helen Potter
Bill Paterson Rupert Potter
Matyelok Gibbs Miss Wiggin
Lloyd Owen William Heelis
Anton Lesser Harold Warne
David Bamber Fruing Warne
Phyllida Law Mrs. Warne
Lucy Boynton Young Beatrix Potter
Oliver Jenkins Young Bertram
Justin McDonald Young Heelis
Judith Barker Hilda
Patricia Kerrigan Fiona
Lynn Farleigh Lady Sybil
John Woodvine Sir Nigel
Sarah Crowden Lady Clifford
Christopher Middleton Saunders

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