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Milner (1994)

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Drama, TV Movie

1h 11m

December, 1994

Language: EN

Stephen Milner is a solicitor, but he fits uneasily into the world of Lewis Strange and Partners, who are an upmarket firm of solicitors.The film follows Milner's fraught relationship with a lucrative client, Ron Jesson. When one of his offices goes up in flames, the press are convinced that Ron arranged the fire for insurance purposes.Milner also has to cope with an estranged wife, batty mother and debt ridden younger brother.


John Strickland


Mel Smith Stephen Milner
Deborah Findlay Sylvia Milner
Ronald Pickup Jocelyn Fry
Ken Hutchison Ronald Jesson
James Fleet Hugh Bonning
David Ryall Dave Stiles
Eve Pearce Mrs Milner
Tom Hollander Ben Milner
Louise Beattie Elaine Nicholson
Simon Godley Toby Judd
Sarah Carpenter Felicity Drewett
Badi Uzzaman Ajit Rao
Jane Marlow Christine Brown
Anny Tobin Lizzie Cook
John Hannah Windscreen Washer
Bill Moody Fred Peart
Tanveer Ghani Hamid Khan
John Richardson Edward
Terence Harvey Charles Snaith

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