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Menendez: A Killing in Beverly Hills (1994)

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3h 00m

May, 1994

Language: EN

About the 1989 murders of Carolco Entertainment chairman, Jose Menendez, and his wife, Kitty, who were killed by their sons, Lyle and Erik, in Beverly Hills, allegedly for a multimillion-dollar inheritance.


Larry Elikann


Edward James Olmos Jose Menendez
Beverly D'Angelo Kitty Menendez
Damian Chapa Lyle Menendez
Travis Fine Erik Menendez
Debrah Farentino Judalon Smyth
Julio Oscar Mechoso Lt. Arguello
Vincent Ventresca Nick
Dwight Schultz Dr. Jerome Oziel
Sheila McCarthy Jill Lansing

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