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Married to the Mob (1988)

"They're her family... Whether she likes it or not."

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Romance, Comedy, Crime

1h 44m

August, 1988

Language: EN

Angela de Marco is fed up with her gangster husband's line of work and wants no part of the crime world. When her husband is killed for having an affair with the mistress of mob boss Tony "The Tiger" Russo, Angela and her son depart for New York City to make a fresh start. Unfortunately, Tony has set his sights upon Angela -- and so has an undercover FBI agent looking to use her to bust Tony.


Jonathan Demme


Michelle Pfeiffer Angela de Marco
Matthew Modine Mike Downey
Oliver Platt Ed Benitez
Alec Baldwin Frank de Marco
Dean Stockwell Tony Russo
Mercedes Ruehl Connie Russo
Joan Cusack Rose
Colin Quinn Homicide Detective
Ellen Foley Theresa
O-Lan Jones Phyllis
Nancy Travis Karen Lutnick
Joe Spinell Leonard 'Tiptoes' Mazzill...
Charles Napier Angela's Hairdresser
Gary Goetzman The Guy at the Piano
Todd Solondz The Zany Reporter
Paul Lazar Tommy Boyle
Al Lewis Joe Russo
Frank Ferrara Vinnie 'The Slug'
Trey Wilson Regional Director Frankli...

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