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MacGruber (2010)

"He's the ultimate tool."

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Adventure, Action, Comedy

1h 30m

May, 2010

Language: EN

Ex-special operative MacGruber is called back into action to take down his archenemy, Dieter Von Cunth, who's in possession of a nuclear warhead and bent on destroying Washington, DC.


Jorma Taccone


Will Forte MacGruber
Kristen Wiig Vicki St. Elmo
Ryan Phillippe Lt. Dixon Piper
Val Kilmer Dieter Von Cunth
Powers Boothe Col. Jim Faith
Maya Rudolph Casey Janine Fitzpatrick
Rhys Coiro Yerik Novikov
Andy Mackenzie Hoss Bender
Jasper Cole Zeke Pleshette
Timothy V. Murphy Constantine Bach
Kevin Skousen Senator Garver
Robert M. Reid Priest
Jim Giesler Janitor
Chris Irvine Frank Korver
Mark Henry Tut Beemer
Hassan Hamin Assad Vernon Freedom
Dalip Singh Tug Phelps
Glenn Jacobs Tanker Lutz
Paul Wight Brick Hughes

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