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Luz's Motives (1985)

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Drama, Crime, History

1h 36m

January, 1985

Language: ES

Luz is in jail, accused of murdering her own children. Her husband and her mother-in-law say she killed them in cold blood. Dr. Rebollar tries to help the woman, but she refuses to remember anything. Luz thinks of jail as the purgatory: it's only one step to reach the Heaven.


Felipe Cazals


Patricia Reyes Spíndola Luz
Alonso Echánove Sebastián
Ana Ofelia Murguía Luz's mother in law
Delia Casanova Dra. Maricarmen Rebollar
Marta Aura Lic. Marisela Alférez
Carlota Villagrán Luz's friend
Dunia Saldívar Female Prisioner
Georgina Chavira
Adriana Rojo Keeper
María Prado Public ministry
Luz María Peña Pregnant public ministry
Socorro Camacho
Juan de la Loza Maricarmen's Husband
José Ángel García Priest
Carlos Cardán Pancho
Maribel Zúñiga Luz's daughter
Moisés Ramírez Luz's son
Daniel Mujica Luz's son
Víctor Martínez Luz's son

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