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Loving (1996)

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Drama, TV Movie

1h 35m

October, 1996

Language: EN

An upper class English family owns a villa in the Irish countryside. When the man of the house leaves to fight in WW2, his mother, wife, dying butler, maid and other staff's life becomes a bit hectic and some love affairs start to bloom.


Diarmuid Lawrence


Mark Rylance Charlie Raunce
Georgina Cates Edith
Lucy Cohu Violet
Danny Dyer Bert
Gabrielle Lloyd Agatha Burch
Carol MacReady Mrs. Walsh
Judy Parfitt Mrs. Tennant
Owen Roe Michael Mathewson
Perdita Weeks Moira
Kate Miller Natalie
Max Brazier Albert
Charlotte Curley Evelyn
Michael James Ford Captain Davenport
John Reidy Jason
Peadar Lamb Eldon
Brian McGuinness Paddy
Abigail Kenny Mary
Phyllis Ryan Nanny Swift
Lainie Ventura Kristy Lee

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