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Los confines (1987)

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Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery, Horror

1h 30m

May, 1987

Language: ES

Mix magical universe of Juan Rulfo, in which Juan Preciado, "Pedro Paramo", located incestuous siblings "Talpa" while Juvencio Nava, of "Diles que no me maten", flee several men who pursue for killing Colonel Terrones.


Mitl Valdez


Ernesto Gómez Cruz Juvencio Nava
María Rojo Natalia
Manuel Ojeda Ignacio
Patricia Reyes Spíndola Esposa
Ana Ofelia Murguía Madre de Natalia
Rigoberto Carmona Sargento
Carlos Esteban Chávez Justino
Uriel Chávez Esposo
Pedro Damián Forastero
Jorge Fegán Guadalupe Terreros
Rubén Gondray Soldado 1
Ángeles González Parienta
Mariana Valdés H. Hija
Rodrigo Valdés H. Hijo
Arturo Hernández Soldado 2
Enrique Lucero Tanilo
Eduardo Maldonado Pariente
Jorge Mondragón Sacerdote
Lucía Pailles Nana

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