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Lorna Doone (1990)

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Drama, TV Movie

1h 28m

January, 1990

Language: EN

A feisty 17th-century Scotswoman falls in love with a despised landowner, to the dismay of her father.


Andrew Grieve


Polly Walker Lorna Doone
Clive Owen John Ridd
Sean Bean Carver Doone
Michael MacKenzie John Ridd's Father
Billie Whitelaw Sarah Ridd
Robert Stephens Sir Ensor Doone
Rachel Kempson Lady Dugal
Kenneth Haigh Judge Jeffreys
Hugh Fraser King James II
Miles Anderson Tom Faggus
Claire Madden Young Lorna
Andrew Ferguson Young John
Euan Grant MacLachlan Ensie Doone
Martin Heller Priest
Paul Young Neighbour
Jane Gurnett Annie Ridd

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