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Life Sentence (1979)

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Drama, Crime, Thriller

1h 35m

August, 1979

Language: ES

"El Tarzan" Lira is an ex-convict who decides to give up his criminal past and reform his life. However, a corrupt policeman blackmails him leaving "El Tarzan" no other option but to continue committing robberies. Adapting the genre conventions of the film noir to the Mexican context, Ripstein's film focuses on Mexican police corruption and questions the judicial system.


Arturo Ripstein


Pedro Armendáriz Jr. Javier Lira "El Tarzán"
Narciso Busquets Comandante Prieto
Ernesto Gómez Cruz Cabo Pantoja
Ana Ofelia Murguía Señora Romero
Roberto Cobo Gallito
Angélica Chain Rosa Martínez

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