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Lassie (2005)

Average rating on Binge.
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Drama, Adventure, Family

1h 40m

December, 2005

Language: EN

A family in financial crisis is forced to sell Lassie, their beloved dog. Hundreds of miles away from her true family, Lassie escapes and sets out on a journey home.


Charles Sturridge


Peter O'Toole The Duke
Samantha Morton Sarah Carraclough
John Lynch Sam Carraclough
Peter Dinklage Rowlie
Jonathan Mason Joe Carraclough
Hester Odgers Cilla
Celyn Jones Snickers
Gerry O'Brien Watson
Steve Pemberton Hynes
Eamonn Hunt Alf Patterson
Edward Fox Hulton
John Standing French
Gregor Fisher Mapes
Brian Pettifer O'Donnell
Jamie Lee Tom
Kelly Macdonald Jeanie
Jemma Redgrave Daisy
Robert Hardy Judge Murray
Nicholas Lyndhurst Buckle

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