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Las Poquianchis (1976)

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Drama, Crime, History

1h 48m

November, 1976

Language: ES

In the middle 70's in the mexican state of Guanajuato, authorities discover a clandestine burial ground, the corpses were from murdered prostitutes. The suspects are three sisters known as "Las Poquianchis".


Felipe Cazals


Diana Bracho Adelina
Malena Doria Chuy
Leonor Llausás Delfa
Jorge Martínez de Hoyos Rosario
María Rojo Lupe
Salvador Sánchez Reportero
Pilar Pellicer Santa
Ana Ofelia Murguía Eva
Enrique Lucero Capitán
Alejandro Parodi Juez
Tina Romero María Rosa
Manuel Ojeda Tadeo
Gonzalo Vega Tepo

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