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Land of the Blind (2006)

Average rating on Binge.
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Drama, Thriller

1h 50m

May, 2006

Language: EN

A soldier recounts his relationship with a famous political prisoner attempting to overthrow their country's authoritarian government.


Robert Edwards


Ralph Fiennes Joe
Donald Sutherland Thorne
Tom Hollander Président
Lara Flynn Boyle La Première Dame
Marc Warren Pool
Ron Cook Doc
Mackenzie Crook Monteur
Mark Dymond Roger Jolly Lyme
Miranda Raison Daisy
Harry Eden Shithead
Don Warrington First Sergeant
Laura Fraser Madeleine
Camilla Rutherford Tania
Leigh Zimmerman Anchorwoman
Nigel Whitmey Anchorman
Jonathan Hyde Smith
Matthew Marsh Papa Max
Dominic Coleman Skinny Comedian
Robert Daws Jones

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