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Ladyhawke (1985)

"No force in Heaven will release them. No power on Earth can save them."

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Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Comedy

2h 01m

March, 1985

Language: EN

Captain Etienne Navarre is a man on whose shoulders lies a cruel curse. Punished for loving each other, Navarre must become a wolf by night whilst his lover, Lady Isabeau, takes the form of a hawk by day. Together, with the thief Philippe Gaston, they must try to overthrow the corrupt Bishop and in doing so break the spell.


Richard Donner


Tom Mankiewicz
Michael Thomas
David Webb Peoples
Edward Khmara


Matthew Broderick Phillipe Gaston
Rutger Hauer Captain Etienne Navarre
Michelle Pfeiffer Isabeau d'Anjou
Alfred Molina Cezar
John Wood Bishop of Aquila
Leo McKern Father Imperius
Ken Hutchison Marquet
Giancarlo Prete Fornac
Loris Loddi Jehan
Charles Borromel Insane Prisoner
Massimo Sarchielli Innkeeper
Nicolina Papetti Mrs. Pitou
Alessandro Serra Mr. Pitou
Venantino Venantini Bishop's Secretary
Nanà Cecchi Bishop's Woman
Gregory Snegoff Cart Driver
Benito Stefanelli Bishop's Guard
Giovanni Cianfriglia Fornac's Men (uncredited)

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