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Into the Night (1985)

"A dangerous romance"

Average rating on Binge.
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Comedy, Thriller, Drama, Romance, Action, Crime

1h 55m

February, 1985

Language: EN

Ed Okin used to have a boring life. He used to have trouble getting to sleep. Then one night, he met Diana. Now, Ed's having trouble staying alive.


John Landis


Ron Koslow


Jeff Goldblum Ed Okin
Michelle Pfeiffer Diana
Stacey Pickren Ellen Okin
Carmen Argenziano Stan
Dan Aykroyd Herb
David Cronenberg Group Supervisor
John Landis SAVAK
Dedee Pfeiffer Hooker
Rick Baker Drug Dealer
Paul Mazursky Bud Herman
Jim Henson Man on Phone
David Bowie Colin Morris
Richard Farnsworth Jack Caper
Vera Miles Joan Caper
Clu Gulager Federal Agent
Jonathan Demme Federal Agent
Alma Beltran Cleaning Woman
Kathryn Harrold Christie
Bruce McGill Charlie

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Igor Petrov @crysis7

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