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In the Loop (2009)

"The fate of the world is on the line."

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1h 46m

January, 2009

Language: EN

The US President and the UK Prime Minister are planning on launching a war in the Middle East, but—behind the scenes—government officials and advisers are either promoting the war or are trying to prevent it.


Armando Iannucci


Armando Iannucci
Jesse Armstrong
Simon Blackwell
Tony Roche


Peter Capaldi Malcolm Tucker
Tom Hollander Simon Foster
Gina McKee Judy Molloy
James Gandolfini Lt Gen. George Miller
Chris Addison Toby Wright
Anna Chlumsky Liza Weld
Paul Higgins Jamie McDonald
Mimi Kennedy Karen Clarke
Alex MacQueen Sir Jonathan Tutt
Olivia Poulet Suzy
David Rasche Linton Barwick
James Smith Michael Rodgers
Zach Woods Chad
Enzo Cilenti Bob Adriano
Johnny Pemberton A.J. Brown
Joanna Scanlan Roz
Harry Hadden-Paton Civil Servant
Samantha Harrington Malcolm's Secretary
Lucinda Raikes Reporter

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