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In Praise of Action (2018)

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0h 59m

December, 2018

Language: EN

Documentary about stunts and their recognition in the film industry. Without their selfless contribution to film, the movies we know and love, would not be nearly the same. It is the art of ACTION that allows us to experience those thrilling moments Just as that famous Director's saying goes, "Lights, Camera. - ACTION!" There is an understood, yet UNSUNG value to the last of those three necessary components in film-making. Directors, Producers, and Studio Execs all know that the work of Stunt Professionals is an effective way to motivate people into the box offices and to help captivate an audience during Award Shows. Many people do not know that Stunt Professionals do not get an Academy Award, even though they are the ones who literally risk life for their life's passion. In Praise of ACTION makes a statement why Stunt Professionals are being forgotten in the biggest film awards ceremonies? This is the right time to talk about it.


Aiste Jauraite
Skaiste Jauraite


Bobby Holland Hanton
Abbi Collins
Jeff Wolfe
Jim Dowdall
David Holmes
Sarah Franzl
Tomas Ereminas

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