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I'm Still Here (2010)

"He's done with Hollywood."

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Drama, Comedy, Music

1h 47m

September, 2010

Language: EN

I'm Still Here is a portrayal of a tumultuous year in the life of actor Joaquin Phoenix. With remarkable access, the film follows the Oscar-nominee as he announces his retirement from a successful film career in the fall of 2008 and sets off to reinvent himself as a hip-hop musician. The film is a portrait of an artist at a crossroads and explores notions of courage and creative reinvention, as well as the ramifications of a life spent in the public eye.


Casey Affleck


Joaquin Phoenix Joaquin Phoenix
Bruce Willis Himself
Danny DeVito Himself
Jack Nicholson Himself
Ben Stiller Himself
Sean Combs Himself
Casey Affleck Himself
Antony Langdon Anton
Yasiin Bey Himself
Edward James Olmos Himself
Eddie Rouse Himself
Jamie Foxx Himself
Billy Crystal Himself
Danny Glover Himself
Jerry Penacoli Himself
Hugh Grant Himself
Natalie Portman Herself

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JoeyBag OfMovies @JoeyBagofMovies

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