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I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (2003)

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Drama, Action, Crime, Thriller

1h 37m

May, 2003

Language: EN

Will Graham, a former London crime boss who has left his former life to live as a recluse in the forest. Haunted by the blood of those he has murdered, Will wishes never to return. But when his brother commits suicide, following a sexual assault at the hands of a volatile car dealer, Will returns to London to discover the cause of his brother's death and administer justice to those responsible.


Mike Hodges


Trevor Preston


Clive Owen Will Graham
Jonathan Rhys Meyers Davey
Charlotte Rampling Helen
Malcolm McDowell Boad
Jamie Foreman Mickser
Ken Stott Turner
John Surman Pathologist
Alexander Morton Victor
Paul Mohan Coroner
Geoff Bell Arnie Ryan
Brian Croucher Al Shaw
Sylvia Syms Mrs. Bartz

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