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Igby Goes Down (2002)

"Insanity is relative."

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Drama, Comedy

1h 37m

September, 2002

Language: EN

Igby Slocumb, a rebellious and sarcastic 17-year-old boy, is at war with the stifling world of old money privilege he was born into. With a schizophrenic father, a self-absorbed, distant mother, and a shark-like young Republican big brother, Igby figures there must be a better life out there -- and sets about finding it.


Burr Steers


Kieran Culkin Jason "Igby" Slocumb, Jr.
Claire Danes Sookie Sapperstein
Jeff Goldblum D.H. Banes
Jared Harris Russel
Amanda Peet Rachel
Ryan Phillippe Oliver "Ollie" Slocumb
Bill Pullman Jason Slocumb
Susan Sarandon Mimi Slocumb
Rory Culkin 10-Year-Old Igby
Peter Anthony Tambakis 13-Year-Old Oliver
Bill Irwin Lt. Ernest Smith, Pershin...
Kathleen Gati Ida
Gannon Forrester Little Cadet
Celia Weston Bunny
Elizabeth Jagger Lisa Fiedler
Nicholas Wyman Suit
Cassidy Ladden Hockey Player
Erin Fritch Hockey Player
Jim Gaffigan Hilton Manager

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