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I Heart Shakey (2012)

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Comedy, Family

1h 30m

June, 2012

Language: EN

Shakey is a family film about a 35-year-old widower named J.T. O'Neil, his precocious 10-year-old daughter and their devoted mutt Shakey. After moving from a small town to Chicago and missing the fine print in their rental contract, J.T. is forced to try and get rid of his lovable pooch. Shakey and Chandler won't have it and hatch a plan to keep Shakey and teach J.T. a valuable lesson about loyalty and the importance of keeping family together.


Kevin Cooper


Eric Stolze


Steve Guttenberg Stubbs
Beverly D'Angelo Sheila
Steve Lemme J.T. O'Neil
Alfonso Aráu Raoul
Philippe Brenninkmeyer Mattias Ober
Sandy Gulliver Board Member
Walt Sloan Board Member
Michael Yurchak Flavio
Dusan Brown Dash
Dante Brown Andrew
Janet Ulrich Brooks Estelle Willinger
Sean Giambrone Toledo Kid #3

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