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I Am Sam (2001)

"Love is all you need."

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2h 12m

December, 2001

Language: EN

Sam, a neurodivergent man, has a daughter with a homeless woman who abandons them when they leave the hospital, leaving Sam to raise Lucy on his own. But as Lucy grows up, Sam's limitations as a parent start to become a problem and the authorities take her away. Sam convinces high-priced lawyer Rita to take his case pro bono and in turn teaches her the value of love and family.


Jessie Nelson


Jessie Nelson
Kristine Johnson


Sean Penn Sam Dawson
Michelle Pfeiffer Rita Harrison Williams
Dianne Wiest Annie Cassell
Dakota Fanning Lucy Diamond Dawson
Richard Schiff Mr. Turner
Loretta Devine Margaret Calgrove
Marin Hinkle Patricia
Laura Dern Randy Carpenter
Brad Silverman Brad
Joseph Rosenberg Joe
Stanley DeSantis Robert
Doug Hutchison Ifty
Bobby Cooper George
Mary Steenburgen Dr. Blake
Eileen Ryan Estelle Dawson
Michael B. Silver Dr. Jaslow
Rosalind Chao Lily
Ken Jenkins Judge Philip McNeily
Wendy Phillips Miss Wright

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Loved it (5)

Gabriela Bovolin @gabibovolin
Vladimir Ilievski @vlatkoDC
Panda Chan @pandachan
Dejan Bansko @dejan1980
Daniel Radevski @danielradevski

Appreciated it (1)

Hesham Salah @hesham

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