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Homegrown (1998)

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Drama, Action, Comedy, Crime, Thriller

1h 42m

April, 1998

Language: EN

Three laborers on a Northern California marijuana plantation become increasingly paranoid when they learn that their boss has been murdered. They know enough to run, taking with them enough of the crop to pay them for services rendered. Hooking up with go-between Lucy in the next town, they plot their next move.


Stephen Gyllenhaal


Stephen Gyllenhaal
Nicholas Kazan


Kelly Lynch Lucy
Billy Bob Thornton Jack Marsden
Hank Azaria Carter
Jon Bon Jovi Danny
Ryan Phillippe Harlan Dykstra
Judge Reinhold Polizist
Ted Danson Gianni Saletzzo
John Lithgow Malcolm / Robert Stockman
Jamie Lee Curtis Sierra Kahan
Maggie Gyllenhaal Christina
Jake Gyllenhaal Jake
Tiffany Paulsen Heather the Stockbreeder
Michelle Bonilla Nurse
Jailyn Osborne Pregnant Teen
Ungenita Prevost 4-Year-Old Girl's Mother
Jon Tenney Helicopter Pilot

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Lots of twists. Great cast.


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