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His Most Serene Highness (2000)

"The man who changed the destiny of Mexico"

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1h 52m

August, 2000

Language: ES

This historical drama depicts the waning days of the life of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, who waged a war against the United States that ultimately cost his nation half of its territory


Felipe Cazals


Felipe Cazals


Alejandro Parodi Antonio López de Santa An...
Ana Bertha Espín Dolores Tosta
José Carlos Ruiz Máximo Huerta
Ana Ofelia Murguía La Salamandra
Jorge Hernández Bishop Archundia
Pedro Armendáriz Jr.
Blanca Guerra
Juan de la Loza
Abel Woolrich
Carmen Delgado
Isaura Espinoza
Salvador Sánchez
Rodolfo Arias

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