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Hairspray (2007)

"When you follow your own beat, the world will follow you."

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Romance, Comedy, Drama

1h 57m

July, 2007

Language: EN

Pleasantly plump teenager Tracy Turnblad auditions to be on Baltimore's most popular dance show - The Corny Collins Show - and lands a prime spot. Through her newfound fame, she becomes determined to help her friends and end the racial segregation that has been a staple of the show.


Adam Shankman


John Waters
Leslie Dixon


Nikki Blonsky Tracy Turnblad
Zac Efron Link Larkin
John Travolta Edna Turnblad
Brittany Snow Amber Von Tussle
Michelle Pfeiffer Velma Von Tussle
Amanda Bynes Penny Pingleton
Queen Latifah Motormouth Maybelle
Elijah Kelley Seaweed
Christopher Walken Wilbur Turnblad
James Marsden Corny Collins
Allison Janney Prudy Pringleton
Taylor Parks Little Inez
Jayne Eastwood Miss Wimsey
Paul Dooley Mr. Spritzer
Jerry Stiller Mr. Pinky
Darren Frost Cameraman
John Waters Flasher
Joe Parro Teacher
Nick Loren Cop Nick

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Noah Barger @nbarger03

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