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Gossip (2000)

"It can turn you on, or turn on you."

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Thriller, Mystery

1h 30m

April, 2000

Language: EN

On a beautiful college campus, something ugly is about to be spread around. A bit of gossip that was told is starting to take a frightening turn. Who could it have offended and how far will the person on the other side of the gossip handle the embarrassing situation.


Davis Guggenheim


Gregory Poirier


James Marsden Derrick Webb
Norman Reedus Travis
Lena Headey Cathy Jones
Kate Hudson Naomi Preston
Joshua Jackson Beau Edson
Eric Bogosian Professor Goodwin
Edward James Olmos Detective Curtis
Sharon Lawrence Detective Kelly
Marisa Coughlan Sheila
Charles Guggenheim Derrick's father
Marion Guggenheim Derrick's mother
Anthony J. Mifsud Doorman
Poe Vocalist
Vicky Lambert Club Dancer
Kristin Booth Diane
Samantha Espie Leslie
Robin Brûlé Louise
Sadie LeBlanc Erica
Stephanie Mills Rebecca Lewis

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Loved it (1)

Daryl Tortosa @d_x_tf

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