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Go for Sisters (2013)

Average rating on Binge.
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Drama, Crime

2h 03m

November, 2013

Language: EN

Bernice and Fontayne grew up so tight they could ‘go for sisters’. After twenty years apart, they are reunited when Bernice is assigned to be Fontayne’s parole officer- just when she needs help on the wrong side of the law.


John Sayles


LisaGay Hamilton Bernice
Yolonda Ross Fontayne
Edward James Olmos Freddy Suárez
Hector Elizondo
Isaiah Washington Vernell
Mahershala Ali Dez
Michael Piznarski Vic
Marry Portser Margie
Don Harvey Detective Mueller
Thai Fong Pong
Michael Laskin AA Leader
Manny Montana Tenoch
Mary Portser Margie
Vanessa Martinez Chula
Rita Taggart Rhonda
Martha Higareda Zeidy
Jonathan Castellanos Kid

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