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Frankie and Johnny (1991)

"You never choose love. Love chooses you."

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Drama, Romance, Comedy

1h 58m

October, 1991

Language: EN

When Johnny is released from prison following a forgery charge, he quickly lands a job as a short-order cook at a New York diner. Following a brief fling with waitress Cora, Frankie develops an attraction for Cora's friend and fellow waitress Frankie. While Frankie resists Johnny's charms initially, she eventually relents when her best friend, Tim, persuades her to give Johnny a chance.


Garry Marshall


Terrence McNally


Michelle Pfeiffer Frankie
Al Pacino Johnny
Hector Elizondo Nick
Kate Nelligan Cora
Nathan Lane Tim
Harvey Miller Mr. Rosen
Jane Morris Nedda
Greg Lewis Tino
Glenn Plummer Peter
Al Fann Luther
Ele Keats Artemis
Tim Hopper Lester
Sean O'Bryan Bobby
Robert Ball Haircombing Neighbor
Terri Sigrist Bowling Twin
Lori Sigrist Bowling Twin

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