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Florence Nightingale (1985)

"The fact-based story of the pioneer of nursing known as 'the Lady with the Lamp'."

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Drama, TV Movie

2h 20m

July, 1985

Language: EN

This is the fact-based story of an aristocratic woman who defies Victorian society to reform hospital sanitation and to define the nursing profession as it is known today. After volunteering to travel to Scutari to care for the wounded soldiers, who are victims of the Crimean war, she finds herself very unwelcome and faces great opposition for her new way of thinking. However through her selfless acts of caring, she quickly becomes known as 'The Lady with the Lamp', the caring nurse whose shadow soldiers kiss.


Daryl Duke


Jaclyn Smith Florence Nightingale
Claire Bloom Fanny Nightingale
Timothy Dalton Richard Milnes
Timothy West Russell
Peter McEnery Sidney Herbert
Stephan Chase Dr. Sutherland
Jeremy Brett William Nightingale
Jeremy Child Dr. Hall
Brian Cox Dr. McGregor
Lesley Dunlop Joanne
Michael Elwyn Dr. Menzies
Julian Fellowes Charles Bracebrige
Richenda Carey Committee Lady

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