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Five Fingers (2006)

"What price would you pay for freedom?"

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Drama, Action, Thriller

1h 27m

May, 2006

Language: EN

Martijn, an idealistic Dutch pianist, travels to Morocco to help start a food program for malnourished children. Within moments of his arrival, however, Martijn is abducted by a group of terrorists, injected with a debilitating drug, and imprisoned. Under threat of death, the young man engages in a mental chess match with Ahmat, trying to learn his captor's true objective and avoid a horrible fate


Laurence Malkin


Laurence Malkin
Chad Thumann


Laurence Fishburne Ahmat
Ryan Phillippe Martijn
Touriya Haoud Saadia
Colm Meaney Gavin
Gina Torres Aicha
Saïd Taghmaoui Dark Eyes

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