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Fireflies in the Garden (2008)

Average rating on Binge.
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1h 48m

August, 2008

Language: EN

The semi-autobiographical story centers on the complexities of love and commitment in a family torn apart when faced by an unexpected tragedy.


Dennis Lee


Dennis Lee


Julia Roberts Lisa Waechter
Carrie-Anne Moss Kelly Hanson
Willem Dafoe Charles Waechter
Emily Watson Jane Lawrence
Ryan Reynolds Michael Waechter
Hayden Panettiere Young Jane
Cayden Boyd Young Michael Taylor
Chase Ellison Christopher Lawrence
Ioan Gruffudd Addison
Shannon Lucio Ryne
George Newbern Jimmy
Brooklynn Proulx Leslie
Diane Perella Flight Attendant
Natalie Karp Social Worker
Babs George Nana
Frank Ertl Morgan Duncan

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