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Filly Brown (2013)

"This is my life."

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Drama, Music

1h 40m

April, 2013

Language: EN

“Majo” Tonorio, a.k.a. Filly Brown, is a raw, young Los Angeles hip-hop artist who spits from the heart. When a sleazy record producer offers her a crack at rap stardom, Majo faces some daunting choices. With an incarcerated mother, a record contract could be the ticket out for her struggling family. But taking the deal means selling out her talent and the true friends who helped her to the cusp of success.


Youssef Delara
Michael D. Olmos


Resmine Atis Linda
Baby Bash Caeser
David Bianchi Driver
Jorge Diaz Eddie Vargas
Chingo Bling Rayborn
Marisol Doblado Karla (voice)
Gina Rodriguez Majo Tonorio
Jenni Rivera Maria Tonorio
Edward James Olmos Leandro
Chrissie Fit Lupe Tonorio
Lou Diamond Phillips Jose Tonorio
Kerry Norton Amanda Hutchinson

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