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Fanie Fourie's Lobola (2013)

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Romance, Comedy

1h 37m

March, 2013

Language: EN

After Fanie takes Dinky, a strong Zulu woman, to his Afrikaans family wedding, the two find an unexpectedly fun cross-cultural romance. But in order to marry Dinky, Fanie must negotiate to pay Lobola (a South African dowry).


Henk Pretorius


Janine Eser
Henk Pretorius


Eduan van Jaarsveldt Fanie Fourie
Zethu Dhlomo Dinky
Jerry Mofokeng Dumisane
Marga van Rooy Louise
Motlatsi Mafatshe Mandla
Chris Chameleon Sarel
Yule Masiteng Petrus
Connie Chiume Zinzi
Richard van der Westhuizen Kobus
Lillian Dube Auntie
Khumbuzile Maphumulo Patricia
Angelique Pretorius Santjie

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