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Exiled (1998)

"A Law & Order Movie"

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Drama, Crime, TV Movie

2h 00m

November, 1998

Language: EN

NYPD Detective Mike Logan, who was demoted to a beat on Staten Island after punching a corrupt politician, seeks to solve the grisly murder of a prostitute and thereby help regain his old job in Manhattan.


Jean de Segonzac


Chris Noth Detective Mike Logan
Dabney Coleman Lieutenant Kevin Stolper
Dana Eskelson Detective Frankie Silvera
John Fiore Detective Tony Profaci
Dann Florek Captain Donald Cragen
Paul Guilfoyle Detective Sammy Kurtz
Ice-T Seymour 'Kingston' Stockt...
Costas Mandylor Gianni Uzielli
Tony Musante Don Giancarlo Uzielli
Nicole Ari Parker Georgeanne Taylor
Benjamin Bratt Detective Ray Curtis
S. Epatha Merkerson Lieutenant Anita Van Bure...
Jerry Orbach Detective Lennie Briscoe
Sam Waterston Jack McCoy
Ned Eisenberg Jerry Kleinert
Liz Larsen C.S.U. Jessica Reed
Vanessa Liguori Gina Uzielli
Leslie Hendrix Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers

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