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Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1994)

"There have been many great drivers but only one great passenger."

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Drama, Romance, Comedy, Western

1h 36m

May, 1994

Language: EN

Sissy Hankshaw is born with enormous thumbs that help her hitchhiking through the US from a young age. She becomes a model in advertising and her NY agent 'the Countess' sends her to his ranch in CA to shoot a commercial, set against the background of mating whooping cranes. There, she befriends Bonanza Jellybean, one of the cowgirls at the beauty- ranch.


Gus Van Sant


Uma Thurman Sissy Hankshaw
Lorraine Bracco Delores Del Ruby
Pat Morita The Chink
Angie Dickinson Miss Adrian
Keanu Reeves Julian Gitche
John Hurt The Countess
Rain Phoenix Bonanza Jellybean
Ed Begley Jr. Rupert
Carol Kane Carla
Sean Young Marie Barth
Crispin Glover Howard Barth
Buck Henry Dr. Dreyfus
Grace Zabriskie Mrs. Hankshaw
Heather Graham Cowgirl Heather
Udo Kier Commercial Director
Edward James Olmos Musician at Barbecue
Roseanne Barr Madame Zoe
Victoria Williams Cowgirl Debbie
William S. Burroughs Self

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