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Esmeralda Comes by Night (1997)

"One bride, five grooms, a lot of explaining."

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1h 43m

September, 1997

Language: ES

Esmeralda is married with 5 husbands at the same time, so she has to explain to the judge why she has done this.


Jaime Humberto Hermosillo


María Rojo Esmeralda Loyden
Claudio Obregón Víctor Solorio
Martha Navarro Lucita
Antonio Crestani Manuel García
Tito Vasconcelos Yoga Instructor / Taxi Dr...
Ernesto Laguardia Pedro, Accusing Husband
Alberto Estrella Jaime, Rocker Husband
Pedro Armendáriz Jr. Rossellini, tenor husband
Roberto Cobo Don Virginio, poet husban...
Humberto Pineda Jorge Luis, gay husband
Álvaro Guerrero Carlos, sixth groom
Ignacio Retes Don Gregorio, Esmeralda's...
Arturo Villaseñor Armando, Jorge Luis' love...
Ana Ofelia Murguía Doña Beatriz, Jorge Luis'...
Víctor Carpinteiro Roque, a journalist
Humberto Yañez Arresting officer
Ana María Jacobo Tere, a secretary
Eduardo Salas Carbajal, an employee
Fernando Manzano Pérez, an employee

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