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Entropy (1999)

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Drama, Romance, Comedy

1h 44m

November, 1999

Language: EN

Entropy is the semi-autobiographical film by director which tells the story of a young director struggling to make a film for a despotic studio while his life falls apart around him. Along the way, he goes on tour with U2 to help them make a music video, gets married in Vegas, and has a conversation with his cat.


Phil Joanou


Stephen Dorff Jake Walsh
Judith Godrèche Stella
Kelly Macdonald Pia
Lauren Holly Claire
Jon Tenney Kevin
Frank Vincent Sal
Paul Guilfoyle Andy
Hector Elizondo The Chairman
Kathryn Erbe Evan
Jim Gaffigan Bucky
Bray Poor Wyatt
Bono Himself
The Edge Himself
Drena De Niro Waitress
Adam Clayton Himself
Larry Mullen Jr. Himself
Shaun Duke Todd Smith
Kurt Loder Himself
Charlene Blaine Stewardess

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