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Drive (2011)

"There are no clean getaways."

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Drama, Crime, Thriller

1h 40m

August, 2011

Language: EN

Driver is a skilled Hollywood stuntman who moonlights as a getaway driver for criminals. Though he projects an icy exterior, lately he's been warming up to a pretty neighbor named Irene and her young son, Benicio. When Irene's husband gets out of jail, he enlists Driver's help in a million-dollar heist. The job goes horribly wrong, and Driver must risk his life to protect Irene and Benicio from the vengeful masterminds behind the robbery.


Nicolas Winding Refn


Hossein Amini


Ryan Gosling Driver
Carey Mulligan Irene
Bryan Cranston Shannon
Albert Brooks Bernie Rose
Oscar Isaac Standard Gabriel
Christina Hendricks Blanche
Ron Perlman Nino
Kaden Leos Benicio
Jeff Wolfe Tan Suit
James Biberi Cook
Russ Tamblyn Doc
Joe Bucaro III Chauffeur
Tiara Parker Young Woman
Tim Trella Hitman #1
Jimmy Hart Hitman #2
Tina Huang Waitress
Andy San Dimas Stripper
John Pyper-Ferguson Bearded Redneck
Craig Baxley Jr Masked Man #1

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Rare good


Evtina i glupa prikazna.


Loved it (1)

Dejan Karabashev @AkakieviC

Appreciated it (3)

JoeyBag OfMovies @JoeyBagofMovies
Claire P @clairino
Matthew Jones @matthewmjm

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