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Dirty Tricks (2000)

Average rating on Binge.
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Drama, Comedy, Crime

2h 42m

September, 2000

Language: EN

Martin Clunes plays Edward, an English tutor at an Oxford language school. Seemingly charming and thoughtful, Edward is really a calculating liar and manipulator. A series of events triggered at a dinner party leads Edward down a very precarious and hilarious path.


Paul Seed


Nigel Williams


Martin Clunes Edward
James Bolam Moss
George Potts Root
Julie Graham Karen
Neil Dudgeon Dennis
Henry Goodman Thomas
Matt Bardock Clive Phillips
Fabiano Martell Massimo
Martin Marquez Garcia
Kanako Morishita Kayoko
Lindsay Duncan Alison
Anna Popplewell Rebecca
Neville Phillips Vicar
Robin Griffith Welsh Flunkey
Barbara Kirby Registrar
Julian Fellowes Prosecution Counsel

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