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Demolition Man (1993)

"The future isn't big enough for the both of them."

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Action, Crime

1h 55m

October, 1993

Language: EN

Simon Phoenix, a violent criminal cryogenically frozen in 1996, escapes during a parole hearing in 2032 in the utopia of San Angeles. Police are incapable of dealing with his violent ways and turn to his captor, who had also been cryogenically frozen after being wrongfully accused of killing 30 innocent people while apprehending Phoenix.


Marco Brambilla


Daniel Waters
Robert Reneau
Peter M. Lenkov


Sylvester Stallone John Spartan
Wesley Snipes Simon Phoenix
Sandra Bullock Lt. Lenina Huxley
Nigel Hawthorne Dr. Raymond Cocteau
Benjamin Bratt Alfredo Garcia
Bob Gunton Chief George Earle
Glenn Shadix Associate Bob
Denis Leary Edgar Friendly
Grand L. Bush Zachary Lamb - Young
Pat Skipper Helicopter Pilot
Steve Kahan Captain Healy
Paul Bollen T.F.R. Officer
Mark Colson Warden William Smithers -...
Andre Gregory Warden William Smithers -...
John Enos III Prisoner
Troy Evans Tough Cop
Don Charles McGovern Hopper - Prison Guard
Bill Cobbs Zachary Lamb - Aged
Patricia Rive Police Officer

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JoeyBag OfMovies @JoeyBagofMovies
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