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Deeply (2000)

"All of life is salt water ... tears, sweat and the sea."

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Drama, Romance, Mystery

1h 41m

September, 2000

Language: EN

On Ironbound Island, native Fiona McKay arrives from Europe with her teenage daughter Clair, hoping that the peace of the island will help the girl get over the death of her boyfriend. The girl finds comfort in the company of a visiting American girl and more so in the stories of Celia, a crazy old local who weaves enchanting tales which cleverly combine her own experiences on the island with mystifying legends.


Sheri Elwood


Kirsten Dunst Silly
Lynn Redgrave Celia
Julia Brendler Claire
Trent Ford James
Brent Carver Porter
Alberta Watson Fiona
Daniel Brühl Jay
Peter Donaldson
Tara Rosling
Anthony Higgins
Jessica Turner
Gerard Parkes
Richard M. Davidson
Alexa Gilmour
Mark Day
Mary-Colin Chisholm

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