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Dead Angle (1979)

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Drama, Crime, Thriller

2h 34m

July, 1979

Language: JA

Elite college graduates commit perfect financial crimes though loopholes in the law during the 1950s.


Tōru Murakawa


Isao Natsuyagi
Yoko Shimada
Mitsuko Oka
Edward James Olmos
Akira Nakao
Katsu Ryuzaki
Shin Kishida
Yôko Natsuki
Kumi Taguchi
Tamaki Sawa
Hiromitsu Suzuki
Gajiro Satoh
Kyohei Shibata
Masaru Shiga
Guts Ishimatsu
Daigo Kusano
Haruki Kadokawa
Akimitsu Takagi
Toshiyuki Nishida

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