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Dangerous Liaisons (1988)

"Lust. Seduction. Revenge. The game as you've never seen it played before."

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Drama, Romance

1h 59m

December, 1988

Language: EN

In 18th century France, Marquise de Merteuil asks her ex-lover Vicomte de Valmont to seduce the future wife of another ex-lover of hers in return for one last night with her. Yet things don’t go as planned.


Stephen Frears


Christopher Hampton


Glenn Close Marquise Isabelle de Mert...
John Malkovich Vicomte Sébastien de Valm...
Michelle Pfeiffer Madame Marie de Tourvel
Swoosie Kurtz Madame de Volanges
Keanu Reeves Le Chevalier Raphael Danc...
Mildred Natwick Madame de Rosemonde
Uma Thurman Cécile de Volanges
Peter Capaldi Azolan
Joe Sheridan Georges
Valerie Gogan Julie
Laura Benson Emilie
Joanna Pavlis Adèle
Nicholas Hawtrey Major-domo
Paulo Abel Do Nascimento Castrato
François Lalande Curé
François Montagut Belleroche
Harry Jones Armand
Christian Erickson Bailiff
Catherine Cauwet Opera Singer

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