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Crusade in Jeans (2006)

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Adventure, Fantasy, History

2h 05m

November, 2006

Language: NL

Dolf a 15 year old boy is sent back in time by a timemachine. Accidentally he is sent back to the Middle Ages. He is rescued by children who are part of a childrens' crusade, on their way to rescue Jeruzalem. During the trip Dolf finds out the danger is not coming from outside the crusade, but from within.


Ben Sombogaart


Jean-Claude Van Rijckeghem
Chris Craps


Johnny Flynn Dolf Vega
Stephanie Leonidas Jenne
Emily Watson Mary Vega
Michael Culkin Anselmus
Benno Fürmann Thaddeus
Ryan Winsley Vick
Jake Kedge Carolus
Udo Kier Dr. Lawerence
Ophelia Lovibond Isabella
Ryan Nelson Gilles
Chris Roebuck Gijs

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