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Croupier (1998)

"Life's a Gamble"

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Drama, Thriller

1h 34m

June, 1998

Language: EN

Jack Manfred is an aspiring writer who to make ends meet, takes a job as a croupier. Jack remains an observer, knowing that everything in life is a gamble and that gamblers are born to lose. Inevitably, he gets sucked into the world of the casino which takes its toll on his relationships and the novel he is writing.


Mike Hodges


Paul Mayersberg


Clive Owen Jack Manfred
Kate Hardie Bella
Alex Kingston Jani De Villiers
Gina McKee Marion Nell
Nicholas Ball Jack Snr.
Alexander Morton David Reynolds
Paul Reynolds Matt
Nick Reding Giles Cremorne
Barnaby Kay Car Dealer
Rhona Mitra Girl with Joint
Ozzie Yue Mr Tchai
John Radcliffe Barber
Sheila Whitfield Manicurist

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