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Cradle Will Rock (1999)

Average rating on Binge.
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2h 12m

December, 1999

Language: EN

A true story of politics and art in the 1930s USA, centered around a leftist musical drama and attempts to stop its production.


Tim Robbins


Hank Azaria Marc Blitzsetin
Rubén Blades Diego Rivera
Joan Cusack Hazel Huffman
John Cusack Nelson Rockefeller
Cary Elwes John Houseman
Philip Baker Hall Gray Mathers
Cherry Jones Hallie Flanagan
Angus Macfadyen Orson Welles
Bill Murray Tommy Crickshaw
Vanessa Redgrave Countess Constance La Gra...
Susan Sarandon Margherita Sarfatti
Jamey Sheridan John Adair
John Turturro Aldo Silvano
Emily Watson Olive Stanton
Bob Balaban Harry Hopkins
Jack Black Sid
Kyle Gass Larry
Paul Giamatti Carlo
Barnard Hughes Frank Marvel

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