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Company Man (2000)

"International intelligence just got dumber."

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1h 26m

March, 2000

Language: EN

Set in the 1960's, a school teacher pretends to be a CIA spy to get his nagging wife off his back. He helps a Russian ballet dancer defect and is then sent to Cuba to locate "Agent X" for the CIA.


Douglas McGrath
Peter Askin


Alan Cumming General Batista
Anthony LaPaglia Fidel Castro
Denis Leary Officer Fry
Douglas McGrath Alan Quimp
John Turturro Crocker Johnson
Sigourney Weaver Daisy Quimp
Ryan Phillippe Petrov
Terry Beaver Mr. Judge
Sean Dugan Skull and Bones Waiter
Grant Walden Older Man
John Randolph Jones Fobbs
Reathel Bean Senator Farwood
Harriet Koppel Stenographer
Kim Merrill Woman in Line
Merwin Goldsmith Mr. Brisk
Heather Matarazzo Nora
Nathan Dean Younger Man
Kathleen Chalfant Mother Quimp
Larry Clark Fred Quimp

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