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Clear and Present Danger (1994)

"The war of drugs would lead him to the war of power."

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Drama, Action, Thriller

2h 21m

August, 1994

Language: EN

CIA Analyst Jack Ryan is drawn into an illegal war fought by the US government against a Colombian drug cartel.


Phillip Noyce


John Milius
Steven Zaillian
Donald Stewart


Harrison Ford John P. "Jack" Ryan
Willem Dafoe John Clark
Anne Archer Cathy Ryan
Joaquim de Almeida Col. Felix V. Cortez
Henry Czerny Robert Ritter
Harris Yulin James Cutter
Donald Moffat President Bennett
Miguel Sandoval Ernesto Escobedo
Benjamin Bratt Captain Ramirez
Raymond Cruz Domingo Chavez
Dean Jones Judge Moore
Thora Birch Sally Ryan
Ann Magnuson Moira Wolfson
Hope Lange Senator Mayo
Tom Tammi FBI Director Emile Jacobs
James Earl Jones Admiral James Greer
Ted Raimi Satellite Analyst
Greg Germann Petey
Tim Grimm Dan Murray

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